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Dra. Edit Antal Fodroczy
Professor Antal is a full-time UNAM researcher working at the CISAN. She is a Level 2 member of the National System of Researchers and of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
She studied in different areas of social sciences at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences, the UNAM, and the UAM. She did her bachelor’s degree in economics, her master’s in political and social sciences, and her doctorate in international relations, as well as master’s courses in the philosophy of science.
She teaches and is thesis advisor in the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences Graduate Program in orienting international relations. Her topics are the Research Seminar; Methodological Focuses; and Environmental, Science, and Technological Policies.
She has done comparative studies in cooperation on science, technology, and environmental policy in North America and the European Union. She has worked on issues like environmental cooperation along the Mexico-U.S. border, climate change, biotechnology policies, genetically modified organisms, biofuels, cooperation and science and technology policies, as well as innovation policies.
Some of her most recent publications include Cooperación en ciencia y tecnología en América del Norte y Europa, (Cooperation in Science and Technology in North America and Europe), edited by herself and F. Aroche (Mexico City: CISAN/Conacyt, 2011); the editing and introduction to a special issue of the journal Norteamérica (year 7, 2012) on climate change in North America; “El futuro del régimen del cambio climático y el papel de América del Norte en ello. Una perspectiva histórica y analítica” (The Future of the Climate Change Regime and the Role of North America. A Historical and Analytical Perspective) in that same issue; the chapter “Mexico Canada Biotech Image: The Role of the Broader Scientific Community,” written jointly with Camelia Tigau, in the book edited by I. Hussein, The Impact of NAFTA on North America (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010); and the article “GMO Public Diplomacy for Biosafety in Mexico,“ written jointly with Camelia Tigau, published in the journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy (2009).
Strategic Studies
Juan Carlos Barrón Pastor
Professor Barrón received his doctorate in philosophy and his master’s in development studies from the University of East Anglia School of International Development (DEV-UEA) (United Kingdom). He attended the University of London’s Critical Theory Summer School in the United Kingdom and a diploma course on International Relations in North America, at the UNAM. He received his bachelor’s in business administration from the UNAM School of Accounting and Business Administration. He is a candidate for Conacyt national researcher, and currently heads the project “Mass Media in North America: Mexico in the U.S. and Canadian Social Imaginary” in the CISAN’s Strategic Studies Area.
Professor Barron teaches and acts as a thesis advisor at the UNAM Schools of Accounting and Business Administration and Political and Social Sciences. He also participates in several UNAM graduate programs at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and the Humanities and the Institute for Research on the University and Education. He is part of the coordinating team of the Research Committee on Social-cybernetics of the International Sociological Association; he is the international coordinator of the line of research on violence for the University of Coahuila and the UNAM’s doctorate in sciences and the humanities for interdisciplinary development; and he is an active participant in the Seminar on Complexity hosted by the Research Division of the UNAM School of Accounting and Business Administration.
He has authored and co-authored books, book chapters, academic articles, and articles for broader circulation nationally and internationally on issues of complexity, violence, the media, critical theory, and education.
Strategic Studies
Raúl Guillermo Benítez Manaut
Raúl Benítez has been a professor and researcher at the UNAM since 1983. He started out as a teaching assistant in the Latin America Area of the School of Political and Social Sciences; he worked as a researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in the Sciences and Humanities (CEIICH) from 1987 to 2000. Since 2000 he has worked in the CISAN. He received his bachelor’s in sociology from the UNAM; his master’s in economics and international politics from the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE); and he received his doctorate in Latin American Studies at the UNAM.
Since March 2006 he has been the president of the civil society organization Collective for the Analysis of Security with Democracy (Casede). He has also been a member of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) since 1985.
His recent publications deal with security issues and the geopolitics of Latin America, with particular attention to the regions of North and Central America. His lines of research center on strategic problems; compared peace processes; international, hemispheric, and national security; U.S., Mexican, and Latin American foreign policy; and civilian-military relations and the armed forces in Mexico. Currently, he is analyzing the relationship between national security and organized crime in Mexico and the United States. He participated in the collective research project Creating Community in the Americas on hemispheric security at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. In recent years he has participated in diverse research projects at Tijuana’s Northern Border College.
He has been a visiting academic at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. (1998 and 2003); a visiting professor at Columbia University in New York (2001); a professor at the U.S. National Defense University’s Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (2004); a visiting researcher at the Center for North American Studies; and a professor at the International Service School at the American University in Washington, D.C. (2006-2007). He also studied the course on Latin America at the Institute for Higher Studies of National Defense in France (2009).
In Mexico, he has taught at the Ibero-American University, the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), the Center of Higher Naval Studies, the National Defense College, and the National Institute of Public Administration, among other institutions.
The prizes and honors he has received include the UNAM’s National University Distinction for Young Academics (1989) and first place for the José Simeón Cañas Central American University Prize, awarded in San Salvador (1987).
He is a member of several working groups and research teams, like the Network of Researchers of the General Gutiérrez Mellado University Institute for Research on Peace, Security, and Defense, headquartered in Madrid, Spain. He has been a guest lecturer at the Latin American Social Sciences Center (FLACSO) in Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Quito, the Dominican Republic, San José de Costa Rica, Guatemala, and San Salvador. He has also given numerous lectures at the Tokyo Institute for Development Studies; Beijing’s Chinese Institute for Strategic International Studies; the University for Peace of San José, Costa Rica; the University of El Salvador; the University of Valencia; the Torcuato di Tella University; Georgetown University, George Washington University; St. Edwards University; and Oxford University, among others.
He participated as an international consultant for the White Book of Security and the Defense of France in 2007, and was an advisor for developing the white books on defense for the Ministries of Defense of Guatemala, Ecuador, and Honduras.
Among his publications, some of the most outstanding are the books La teoría militar y la guerra civil en El Salvador (Military Theory and Civil War in El Salvador) (San Salvador: UCA, 1989) and Mexico and the New Challenges of Hemispheric Security (Washington, D.C.: Latin American Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2004). As editor and co-editor, Professor Benítez has published La paz en Centroamérica. Expediente de documentos fundamentales (Peace in Central America. Dossier of Fundamental Documents) (Mexico City: CEIICH, UNAM, 1989); Chiapas: interpretaciones sobre la negociación y la paz (Chiapas: Interpretations about the Negotiations and the Peace) (Mexico City: CISAN, UNAM/Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2003); México-Centroamérica. Desafíos a inicios del siglo XXI (Mexico-Central America. Challenges at the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century) (Mexico City: ITAM, 2001); Chiapas. El desafío de la paz (Chiapas. The Challenge of Peace) (Mexico City: ITAM/GEMAP/Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2000); El rompecabezas. Conformando la seguridad hemisférica en el siglo XXI (The Jigsaw Puzzle. Creating Hemispheric Security in the Twenty-first Century) (Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros-Universidad de Boloña, 2006); and Atlas de la seguridad y la defensa de México 2009 (Security and Defense Atlas of Mexico 2009) (Mexico City: Casede, 2009). The books he has most recently edited are Crimen organizado e Iniciativa Mérida en las relaciones México-Estados Unidos (Organized Crime and the Merida Initiative in Mexico-United States Relations) (Mexico City: Casede, 2010) and Seguridad y defensa en América del Norte: nuevos dilemas geopolíticos (Security and Defense in North America: New Geo-political Dilemmas) (San Salvador: Fundación Guillermo Manuel Ungo/Latin American Program, Woodrow Wilson Internacional Center for Scholars, 2010). He is also co-author of several editions of the Atlas comparativo de la defensa en América Latina (Compared Atlas of Defense in Latin America) (Buenos Aires: RESDAL) and of the Anuario de la seguridad regional en América Latina y el Caribe (Regional Security in Latin America and the Caribbean Yearbook) (Bogota: Fundación Friedrich Ebert). He has edited 103 book chapters in Spanish, 22 in English, 4 in Portuguese, 2 in French, and 1 in Italian. In specialized journals, he has published 92 articles in Spanish and 15 in English, as well as essays in French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese.
Strategic Studies
Liliana Cordero Marines
Liliana Cordero Marines is a researcher at the Integration Studie Area, in which she develops the research Project “Indigenous peoples and governance in North America: a comparative study of indigenous participation in the creation of public policies in the XXI Century.
Received her PHD and her master´s degree in anthropology, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. And her bacherlor´s in ethnology. From the National School of Anthropology and History. Between 2018 and 2020, she was a post-doctoral visiting escolar at the Center for Research on North America (CISAN).
Currently, she teaches in the Master´s program in United States-mexico Studies, at the Postgraduate Program in Political and Social Sciences. She has been a profesor of the Master´s in Documentary Film, at the Posgraduate Program in Arts and Design and the Bachelor of Cinematography at the national School of Cinematographic Arts, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
She has carried out reasearch stays at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) and at the Gino Germani Institute of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
She is a research candidate for National System of Investigators of CONACYT.
Full-time, tenured, Associate Researcher "C", assigned to CISAN, in the Area of Integration Studies
- Governance and indigenous peoples in Canada and the United States
- Indigenous peoples and public policies in Canada and the United States
- Indigenous organization and social movements in Canada and the United States
- Indigenous political processes in dialogue with digital technology
Cordero Marines, Liliana (2021), “Community Organization and Participation. The Future of U. S. and Mexican First Peoples”, en Voices of Mexico, Issue 114, pp. 31-33.
Cordero Marines, Liliana (2020), “Continuidades y discontinuidades en Norteamérica a principios del siglo XXI: Un análisis del documental de denuncia política”, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, vol. 6, No. 243, pp. 369-396.
Cordero Marines, Liliana (2020), “Activismo antitrumpista: Ken Burns y Michael Moore en la trinchera del documental estadunidense”, en Convergencia, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, v. 27, pp. 1-23, agosto.
Cordero Marines, Liliana (2020), “Continuidades y discontinuidades en Norteamérica a principios del siglo XXI: Un análisis del documental de denuncia política”, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (En prensa: fecha de aceptación 28 de septiembre 2020).
Cordero Marines, Liliana (2020), “José Rovirosa y Miradas a la Realidad: un vistazo al documental mexicano a finales de la década de 1980”, en: Lourdes Roca (coord.), Métodos en Acción: Estudios sobre documental e investigación social, Instituto Mora-CONACYT-Logos editores.
Cordero Marines, Liliana (2019), “Documental político en Norteamérica: una herramienta de contrainformación y configuración de las identidades políticas”, Revista Norteamérica, CISAN-UNAM, Vol. 14-1.
Estefania Cruz Lera
Dr. Cruz Lera is an associate researcher working at the CISAN. She is developing the research project “Political Minorities and the Agenda Setting in the United States: Agents of Change or Political Disruption”.
She received her PhD in Politics, Policy and International Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. Her B.A. and MPhil in International Relations was obtained from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
She is member of the Nacional System of Researchers of Conacyt-Mexico. Her main lines of research are: US politics and government, Latino politics, political incorporation of minorities and migration policy.
Dr. Cruz-Lera teaches and supervises thesis in the UNAM School of Political Sciences and its Postgraduate Program.
She has been a short-term visiting researcher at ETH-Zurich (Switzerland), Brown University and Georgetown University (United States). In 2017 she was recognized as an Emerging Researcher in Diversity and Social Inclusion by the Mellon Foundation-City University of New York alliance. In 2021 she was recognized by the US Department of State and the University of Delaware as SUSI Scholar on US Foreign Policy.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2769-8483
CVU Conacyt: 550681
Fulltime Research Fellow
- US Politics and Government
- Political Incorporation of Minorities in the United States
- US Congress and Party System
- US-Mexico Migration Policy and Latino politics
Cruz Lera, Estefanía (2021) Minorías políticas en Estados Unidos: representación y agencia de cambio, CISAN-UNAM, México, pp. 252. ISBN: 978-607-30-4646-6
Academic Journal Articles (JCR):
Cruz Lera Estefanía (2022), “¿Es factible un Green New Deal para Estados Unidos?: Un análisis a partir de las trayectorias dependientes y los legados de la política progresista en su historia”, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.
Cruz Lera, Estefanía (2021) “When Local Political Opportunity Structures Matter in Political Agency: The Multipronged Incorporation of Latinos in Chicago”, Local Government Studies Journal (Taylor & Francis Group). DOI:
Cruz Lera, Estefanía (2020) “Women from the Establishment versus the “Squad”: Female Political Representational Styles In the U.S Congress” [Versión en español disponible: Las mujeres del establishment vs el escuadrón: Estilos de representación política femenina en el Congreso estadunidense], Norteamérica,15: 1, p. 33-56.DOI:
Cruz Lera, Estefanía (2019) “El espectro de ciudades santuario en Estados Unidos: Los contrastes en la génesis y las prácticas de las políticas locales proinmigrantes [Versión en inglés: The Spectrum of Sanctuary Cities in the United States: Contrasting the Genesis and Practices of Proimmigrant Local Policies]”, Estudios Fronterizos, 20: e029. DOI: ref.1908029
Cruz Lera, Estefanía (2019) “Transnacionalismo desde abajo y multiculturalismo desde arriba: perspectivas de ciudadanía para la incorporación migrante en Chicago [Versión en inglés: Transnationalism From Below and Multiculturalism From Above: Citizenship Perspectives for Immigrant Incorporation in Chicago]”, Migraciones Internacionales, 10: e012, El Colef. DOI:
Cruz Lera, Estefania (2019) “La gobernanza de las migraciones transnacionales mexicanas y china en EE.UU.: el nexo entre la diáspora y el 'Estado creativo' para el codesarrollo”. Revista mexicana de Ciencias Políticas, 64: 236, p. 21-48. DOI: http: //
Cruz Lera, Estefania (2017) “Refugiados mexicanos de la violencia del narcotráfico en los EE. UU.”, Foro Internacional, Colegio de México, 229: 3, p. 576-606. DOI:
Cruz Lera, Estefania (2017) “Young Immigrants Association and the Future Latino Leadership in the US: Social Capital and Political Engagement of Dreamers”, Norteamérica, CISAN-UNAM, 11: 2, p. 165-19. DOI:
Leonardo Curzio Gutiérrez
Doctor in Geography and History, with a specialty in Contemporary History from the University of Valencia, Spain. Graduated in Sociology and Master in Political Sociology from the University of Provence, France. Specialty in pedagogy by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain. Member of the Comisión Dictaminadora de Relaciones Internacionales of the FCPyS, UNAM.
He has taught at the UNAM, Universidad Iberoamericana, Universidad de las Américas, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia and has been a visiting professor at the University of Valencia, Spain. He has coordinated 30 diploma courses in political analysis and strategic studies. He has also taught at the Centro de Estudios Navales and the Colegio de la Defensa Nacional.
He has received the Medal of Teaching Merit awarded by Colegio de Defensa Nacional and the Medal of Naval Teaching Merit by the Secretaría de Marina. He has been decorated Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur of France.
Definitive researcher, CISAN, UNAM
- National security
- Governance
- Strategic studies
El presidente: Las filias y fobias que definirán el futuro del país (México: Grijalbo, 2020).
Orgullo y prejuicios. Reputación e imagen de México (México: CISAN, UNAM/Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2016).
“Democracia y medios de comunicación en Estados Unidos”. Kairós. Revista de Ciencias Económicas, Jurídicas y Administrativas (Vol. 4. 2021. No. 6. enero-junio), pp. 19-36.
“La radicalización de la modernidad. Ideas y debates de la Francia contemporánea”. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. UNAM. (Nueva Época, Vol.66. Año LXV, núm. 241, enero-abril de 2021).
“Las redes sociales y las epidemias políticas”. Otros Diálogos. El Colegio de México. (Número: 15. Abril junio 2021).
“La mañanera como medio de comunicación política”. En: Julio Juárez Gámiz (coord). Ensayos sobre comunicación gubernamental en la Cuarta Transformación: ¿cambio o continuidad? (México: CEIICH, UNAM, 2021).
“Las situaciones de riesgo en la relación México-Estados Unidos”. En: Roberto Zepeda, Jorge Alfonso Calderón, Juan Carlos Barrón y Brenda Calderón (eds). Integración Económica y Política Comercial en América del Norte: su Impacto en la Hacienda Pública de México (México: CISAN, UNAM, 2021).
“Zonas de silencio. La libertad de expresión amenazada”. En: Atlas de la seguridad y la defensa de México (México: CASEDE/Universidad de las Américas Puebla/ Instituto Belisario Domínguez del Senado de la República, 2021).
“Los servicios de inteligencia como articuladores de la estrategia nacional”. En: Cristina Rosas y Guillermo Mendoza (coords). Inteligencia para la seguridad: mitos y realidades. La experiencia de México (México: Centro Olof Palme/Australian National University/UNAM, 2021).
“La seguridad nacional en México: retos y perspectivas”, Revista de Administración Pública INAP, no. 136 (enero-abril de 2015).
“La seguridad nacional y la relación con Estados Unidos en la segunda alternancia”, en Arturo Oropeza (coord.), La responsabilidad del porvenir. Reflexiones y propuestas sobre el futuro que viene (México: UNAM, 2016).
“La reputación de México: una prioridad de política exterior”, en Miguel Basáñez, Mauricio de María y Campos y Lorenzo Meyer (eds.), Al filo de la tormenta: un análisis de la relación México-Estados Unidos. (México: El Colegio de México, 2017).
“La cooperación en seguridad México-Estados Unidos en la era Trump”, en Pedro Salazar, Arturo Oropeza y José Antonio Romero (coords.), México 2018: la responsabilidad del porvenir. (México: IIJ, UNAM, 2018).
Ignacio Díaz de la Serna
He completed postgraduate studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. Doctor of Philosophy from the UNAM. Member of the National System of Researchers and professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM. He served as co-editor-in-chief of North America. Academic Journal of CISAN (from 2006 to 2009).
Amongst the distinctions he has received, are the Ibero-American Poetry Prize "Carlos Pellicer", awarded by the National Council for Culture and the Arts (1989); the "Literary Translation 1999" scholarship, awarded by the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (2000-2001); "Recognition of Desirable Profile for Full-Time Professors", granted by the Ministry of Public Education through the Undersecretariat of Higher Education and Scientific Research (2003-2006), the Scholarship for Sabbatical Stay of the DGAPA, UNAM (2015-2016) as a guest researcher at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, and the Scholarship for Sabbatical Stay of that direction (2021) as a guest researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Higher Research Council Scientists (CSIC) of Madrid.
Currently, he teaches courses in the Master's and Doctorate Program in Philosophy of the FFYL, UNAM, of which he is also a tutor.
Full-time permanent "C" researcher, attached to the Strategic Studies Area
- Modern political philosophy (seventeenth and eighteenth centuries)
- Philosophy of culture (sixteenth to eighteenth centuries)
- Modern Republicanism and Constitutionalism in the Founding Fathers of the United States of America
- The Savage of North America and the Construction of Otherness in the European Culture of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Más crudo que cocido. Otredad e imaginario social en la Enciclopedia de Diderot y d’Alembert (Madrid: Trama Editorial, 2018)
Los dioses llegaron tarde a Filadelfia. Una dimensión mitohistórica de la soberanía (México: Bonilla-Artigas Editores/CISAN, UNAM, 2015)
El planisferio de Morgius Cancri. Enciclopedia Universal (México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2014)
Para leer a Georges Bataille (México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2012)
Franklin y Jefferson: entre dos revoluciones. Inicios de la política internacional estadunidense (México: CISAN-UNAM, 2009)
Príncipe de Ligne: Extravíos o mis ideas al vuelo (Madrid: Sexto Piso, 2009)
Georges Bataille: la oscuridad no miente. Textos y apuntes para la continuación de la Summa ateológica (México: Taurus, 2001), y edición española en la misma editorial (2002)
Del desorden de Dios (México: Taurus, 1997)
Aaraon Díaz Mendiburo
Received his doctorate in anthropology, his master’s in social work, and his bachelor’s in communications sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In 2018, he was a post-doctoral visiting scholar at the Wilfrid Laurier University International Migration Research Centre in Canada. His research deals with health, education, employment, social representation, and intercultural relations issues of agricultural migrants to Canada, their families, and both their communities of origin and destination. As an independent documentary film maker, he has directed and produced Migrant Mother (2020), Matices “Temporary” Migration in Canada) (2011) and Migrants: Those who come from within) (2007).
Díaz Mendiburo has collaborated in different national and international multidisciplinary projects. Among the most important are Life and the Lottery: Two Games of Chance, Mexico-Canada, Photographic Essay “Left Behind,” published in the Toronto Star newspaper; “Mobile Solutions to the Mexican Kidnapping Epidemic: Beyond Elite Counter-measures towards Citizen-led Innovation,” Newton rcuk-Conacyt-University of Leeds, and University of Exeter, United Kingdom; Poverty and Precarious Employment in Southern Ontario. Case 4: Migrant Labor-Undocumented Labor), McMaster University, Canada.
Currently, his research focuses on the U.S. and Canadian cannabis industry, analyzed
from the perspective of the narratives of different interest groups and their impact on public policies.
Díaz Mendiburo is a professor in the anthropology bachelor’s program and Master Mexico-USA program at the UNAM and
in the Master’s Migration Studies Program at the Ibero-American University. He is a level-I member of Mexico’s National
System of Researchers.
Full-time associate researcher, class “C,” in the CISAN Strategic Studies Area
- The cannabis industry in Canada and the United States
- Socially Responsible Corporations and public policies
- Labor migration between Mexico and Canada
- Temporary agricultural worker programs
- The documentary as a tool for scientific dissemination and for intervening in society
(2020) Martínez-Zalce, Graciela y Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo (eds.) Cruzando la frontera II. Narrativas de la migración: Literaturas (México: CISAN, UNAM).
(2019) Martínez-Zalce, Graciela y Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo (eds.) Cruzando la frontera. Narrativas de la migración: El cine (México: CISAN, UNAM).
(2017) Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraón y Andrea Meza Torres (coords.) ¡Tú migrante! La construcción de las representaciones de la migración en el contexto de América del Norte y Centroamérica (México: CISAN, UNAM).
(2021) Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraón. “El Canadá desconocido. Los derechos sexuales de las y los migrantes mexicanos en el contexto del Programa de Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales (PTAT)”, en Graciela Martínez-Zalce y Camelia Tigau (eds.) Canadá y sus paradojas en el siglo XXI. Vol. 2. Artes, Ciencia, Política, Medios y Migración, (México: CISAN, UNAM).
(2020) Diaz Mendiburo, Aaraón. “Marcos jurídicos de la gobernanza corporativa: El caso de las empresas socialmente responsables (ESR) en Norteamérica”, en David Andrés Díez Gómez (comp.) Comunicación, Responsabilidad Social y Sostenibilidad. Perspectivas desde Colombia, Ecuador, Chile y Norteamérica (Colombia: Universidad Católica de Manizales).
(2020) Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraón y Ana María Hernández Fabián, “Entre la ficción y la realidad: narrativas en torno al Programa de Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales en Canadá”, en Martínez-Zalce, Graciela y Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo (eds.) Cruzando la frontera II. Narrativas de la migración: Literaturas (México: CISAN, UNAM).
(2019) Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraón, “Los matices de la migración “temporal” en Canadá. Miradas a través de las imágenes, la música y la voz de sus protagonistas”, en Cruzando la frontera. Narrativas de la migración: El cine (México: CISAN, UNAM).
Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraón (2017) “¿Quién es y cómo es ese que viene de lejos? La representación de los migrantes “temporales” en Saint-Rémi, Quebec; una mirada en la red y en los medios impresos en Díaz Mendiburo”, en Aaraón y Andrea Meza Torres (coords.) ¡Tú migrante! La construcción de las representaciones de la migración en el contexto de América del Norte y Centroamérica (México: CISAN, UNAM).
(2022) Valenzuela Moreno, Karla Angélica y Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo, “El Programa de Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales. Una visión desde la antropología del estado”, Alteridades, núm. 61: 159-170.
(2019) Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraón, “Como te veo te trato; representaciones sociales en una comunidad receptora de migrantes en Quebec, Canadá”, Interdisciplina, núm. 18: 39-57.
(2018) Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraón, Janet McLaughlin, Don Wells, André Lyn, “Adapting Spousal Relations and Transnational Family Structures: Responses to Mexican-Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Migration”, Norteamérica, núm. 2, 37-59.
(2021) Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraón, “Two Stiches Over and One Under Weaving Resistance with Hemp Thread For Good Living and Well-being”. Voices of México, Núm. 113, 100-104.
(2020) Migranta con M de Mamá (Migrant Mother). Dirigida y producida por Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo. México: 25 min.
(2011) Matices Migración “Temporal” en Canadá (Matices: “Temporary” Migration in Canada), Dirigida y producida por Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo. México: 54 min.
(2007) Migrantes: los que venimos de adentro (Migrants: those who come from within). Dirigida y producida por Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo. México: 42 min.
Ariadna Estévez
Ariadna Estévez is a tenured research professor at the Centre for Research on North America (CISAN) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and holds a Ph.D. in International Relations (University of Sussex, UK). Her significant contributions to research, teaching, and the promotion of research have seen her reach Level III of the country's prestigious National System of Researchers (SNI). She teaches the courses The Necropolitical Apparatus of Forced Migration and Research Seminar On Biopolitics and Necropolitics at UNAM’s Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. She is co-coordinator of the Research in Progress Seminar on Critical Legal Studies and Migration at UNAM’s Institute of Legal Research (CISAN-IIJ). She is the author of The Necropolitical Production and Management of Forced Migration (Lexington Books, 2022), Necropower in North America: The Legal Spatialization Of Disposability And Lucrative Death (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) and Guerras necropolíticas y biopolítica de asilo en América del Norte (UNAM-UACM, 2018).
Facebook: Ariadna Estévez
Instagram: @ariadnaestevez
Telephone number: (+52 55) 56 23
Tenured Research Professor
- Forced migration and violence
- Critical studies of violence
- Third world approaches to international law
Nattie Golubov Figueroa
Nattie Golubov obtained her PhD in English from Queen Mary College, University of London, after receiving an M.A. in Victorian
Literature from the University of Leeds, UK. She has been a lecturer at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM, where she has
taught courses on research methods, literatures in English and literary and cultural theory in the English Department and the
Graduate School.
She has been responsible and has collaborated in several research projects on cultural studies, literatures in English,
popular genres in the US such as self-help literature, crime fiction and the romance novel; more recently she has focused on
the geopolitics of contemporary US fiction. Her individual research projects include "Geopolitical Narratives: Spatiality,
Conflict and Power in Contemporary US Literature" and "The Culture Wars in US Higher Education: A Historical and
Sociocultural Perspective".
A selection of her publications are available at:
Professor, Global Studies, CISAN, UNAM
My research focuses on the critical examination of a wide variety of US texts and other cultural products using a diverse theoretical and methodological archive, with the purpose of understanding the representation of conflict between diverse groups of people in the United States.
2023. En coordinación con Gonzalo Hatch Kuri. Repensar la región: convergencias y divergencias disciplinarias (México: CISAN, UNAM). 2021. Los placeres de la lectura: cuerpos, afectos, textos. Nattie Golubov, Ed. (México: CISAN, UNAM). 2019. TVficciones: reflexiones críticas sobre televisión estadunidense. Nattie Golubov, Ed. (México: CISAN, UNAM). 2020. La crítica literaria feminista. Una introducción práctica (México: CIEG, UNAM). 2021. “Global, transnacional, planetario: tres figuras del mundo en Babel”. Más allá de Babel: Paradojas de la Globalización. María José González Ordovás, Coord. (España: Editorial Tirant lo Blanch). 2022. “The Geopolitics of Love: Patriotism, Homeland and the Domestication of Violent
Masculinities in U.S. Paramilitary Romance Fiction”,
The Routledge Companion to Romantic Love. Ann Brooks, Ed. (Routledge).
Elizabeth Gutiérrez Romero
She is a researcher in its Area of Globality Studies. She received her master’s in economics from the Colegio de México’s Center for Economic Studies.
She is a professor in the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences, where she teaches a course on Mexican relations with the United States and Canada in the undergraduate international relations program.
Outstanding among her publications are the following articles: “Toronto, neoliberalismo y competitividad en la reestructuración productiva de los servicios” (Toronto, Neoliberalism and Competitiveness in the Productive Restructuring of Services), in Olivera Martínez Patricia Eugenia, ed., Polarización Social en la Ciudad Contemporánea. El reescalamiento de los espacios del neoliberalismo (Mexico City: FFy L-UNAM, 2013); “La experiencia canadiense de la concentración espacial de los servicios al productor” (The Canadian Experience in Spatial Concentration of Services for Producers), Norteamérica. Revista académica 6, no. 1 (June 2011); “Barack Obama: entre la crisis económica y la crisis electoral” (Barack Obama: Between Economic Crisis and Electoral Crisis), in the on-line journal Escenarios XXI no. 9 (May 2011); “Los cien días de Obama, entre la crisis económica y la agenda latinoamericana” (Obama’s Hundred Days, between Economic Crisis and the Latin American Agenda), Cuadernos Americanos 4, no. 130 (CIALC-UNAM, October-November 2009); “Dinámicas y procesos de integración en los servicios al productor: tendencias en las principales ciudades de América del Norte” (Integration Dynamics and Processes in Services for Producers: Trends in the Main North American Cities), in Alejandro Mercado, M. Alfie, and G. Martínez-Zalce, eds., Procesos regionales en América del Norte (Regional Processes in North America) (Mexico City: Eón/AMEC/UAM-Azcapotzalco, 2007).
With Alejandro Mercado, she co-edited the book Fronteras en América del Norte. Estudios multidisciplinarios (Frontiers in North America: Multi-Disciplinary Studies) (Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 2004).
In addition to her writings in academic journals, she has contributed the following articles to publications for wider distribution: “The Insertion of Migrants in the U.S. Labor Market. Some Traits of Undocumented Mexican Migration”, Voices of Mexico, no. 100, cisan-unam (en prensa); “The Economy, an Ongoing Concern for the Obama Administration, Voices of Mexico, no. 96 (Spring-Summer, 2013), cisan-unam; “Economic Crisis and Regional and Sectoral Impacts,” Voices of Mexico no. 85 (May-August 2009); “The Balance Sheet of the Bush Administration’s Multilateral Trade Negotiations,” Voices of Mexico no. 83 (September-December 2008), CISAN-UNAM.
Claudia Maya López
Claudia Maya received her doctorate in economics from the UNAM, her masters in economics from the University of Missouri Kansas City, and another masters in finance from the UNAM School of Accounting and Business Administration. She has published articles and book chapters in Mexico and abroad, in addition to participating in different national and international colloquia and seminars. She is currently a researcher at CISAN and professor of the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences. Her field of research is the study of international economics, in particular the changes in the North American financial system.
Paz Consuelo Márquez Padilla
Professor Márquez-Padilla received her doctorate in political science with a specialization in international relations from the UNAM, and her master’s in sociology from Tulane University and in political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is a member of the Globality Studies Area. She works on issues related to federalism, democracy, neo-conservatism, and international justice.
She is a professor and thesis advisor at the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences. She is a Level 1 member of the National System of Researchers.
She is author of Justicia Internacional. Ideas y reflexiones (International Justice: Ideas and Reflexions) (México: CISAN, 2014) and with Leon Bieber co-authored Regionalismo y federalismo (Regionalism and Federalism) (Mexico City: El Colegio de México, 2004); and , together with Julián Castro Rea, she compiled El nuevo federalismo en América del Norte (The New Federalism in North America) (Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 2000); outstanding among her articles is “Viejas y nuevas discusiones en torno al federalismo” (Old and New Discussions on Federalism) in Desde el sur. Visiones de Estados Unidos y Canadá desde América Latina a principios del siglo XXI (From the South. Visions of the United States and Canada from Latin America at the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century), a publication she coordinated. She has also published Globalización y democracia. El contexto internacional (Globalization and democracy. The International Context) as part of the series “Cuadernos de América del Norte,” no. 15 (Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 2009); and "Conflicto y cooperación en las relaciones internacionales" (Conflict and Cooperation in International Relations) in Norteamérica. Revista Académica,CISAN-UNAM, year 6, no. 2 (July-December 2011).
She was director of the CISAN from August 1997 to August 2001, and of the magazine Voices of Mexico from August 1995 to August 2001.
She was awarded the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize in 2007, and in 2014, the APAUNAM Award for Merit.
A work of hers on modern democracy in the lexicon of cooperation will soon be published by the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences.
She is currently the editor-in-chief of Norteamérica, Revista Académica.
Graciela Martínez-Zalce Sánchez
Dr. Martínez-Zalce received her bachelor’s degree in Spanish and Hispanic literature from the UNAM FES Acatlán and her master’s and doctorate in modern letters from the Iberoamerican University. She is a PRIDE scholar (D-level) and a level II member of the SNI and of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. She is a specialist in the area of Canadian cultural studies and in the Migration and Borders and Identities and Cultural Processes areas of investigation. She has been a visiting researcher at El Colegio de México, at Canada’s McGill University, and at the Cuajimalpa campus of Mexico City’s Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM).
She is a professor at the School of Philosophy and Letters’ College of Hispanic Letters,
where she teaches the Seminars on Literary Research I and II (Theory of Adaptation; Cinema and Literature),
as well as at the School of Political and Social Sciences Graduate Department, where she teaches the Seminar on
Cinema, Migration, and Borders in North America.
Full-time, tenured, C-level researcher assigned to the Area of Globality Studies and current director of the CISAN, UNAM
- North American and Border Cultural Studies
- Theory of Adaptation
- Literary and Film Criticism with a Gender Focus
- Canadian Studies
2021. Martínez-Zalce, Graciela y Mónica Verea (eds.) Migration and Borders in North America. Views from the 21st Century (México: CISAN, UNAM).
2021. Martínez-Zalce, Graciela y Camelia Tigau (eds.) Canadá y sus paradojas en el siglo XXI. Tomo II (Artes, ciencia política medios y migración) (México: CISAN, UNAM).
2020. Martínez-Zalce, Graciela y Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo (eds.) Cruzando la frontera. Narrativas de la migración: literaturas (México: CISAN, UNAM).
2019. Martínez-Zalce, Graciela “Canadian Cinema and Its Borders”, en Janine Marchessault y Will Straw (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Cinema (Nueva York: Oxford University Press).
2019. Martínez-Zalce, Graciela y Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo (eds.) Cruzando la frontera. Narrativas de la migración en el cine (México: CISAN, UNAM).
2016. Martínez-Zalce, Graciela, Instrucciones para salir del limbo. Arbitrario de representaciones audiovisuales de las fronteras en América del Norte (México: CISAN, UNAM).
In addition to the first book on Canadian culture in Mexico:
1996. Martínez-Zalce, Graciela, ed. ¿Sentenciados al aburrimiento? Tópicos de cultura canadiense (México: CISAN, UNAM, Bonilla).
Alejandro Mercado Celis
Full Researcher and coordinator of the Globality Studies Area at CISAN-UNAM. PhD. in Urban Planning (specialization in regional and international development) from the University of California Los Angeles. He is currently SNI II and Ambassador in Mexico of the Regional Studies Association. He coordinates the research seminars series on Creative and Cultural Industries and Night Studies. He is currently in charge of the financed PAPIIT project IN303820, "Transnational networks of knowledge transmission in the cultural industries of North America."
Full Researcher
- Creative and Cultural Industries in North America
- Night Studies in North American Cities
2021. Alejandro Mercado-Celis and Edna Hernández González. Studies of urban nightlife and the nighttime economy in the cities of Mexico, the United States and Canada. CISAN-UNAM / Université de Bretagne Occidentale.
2021. Mercado Celis, Alejandro. “Urban Geography of the Nighttime Economy in the United States-Mexico Border. The case of the cities of Tijuana and San Diego” in Alejandro Mercado-Celis and Edna Hernández González. (editors) Studies of urban nightlife and the nighttime economy in North America. CISAN-UNAM / Université de Bretagne Occidentale.
Mercado Celis, Alejandro. 2020. “Transnational project ecologies as a form of integration of cultural and creative industries (CCI) in North America”, in Dávalos, Elisa. Zepeda, Roberto. Gómez, Marco. The Mexico-United States-Canada Trade Agreement: Integration or Disintegration? Recent Transformations in North America. CISAN-UNAM.
Silvia Núñez García
Professor Núñez was director of the CISAN UNAM from 2009 to 2017. She has been a fulltime researcher for 23 years. She did graduate work in sociology at the same university. Her career as a specialist began in research on a project on U.S. history at the Dr. José María Luis Mora Institute, and later at the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE) in the domestic policy area of what was then the Institute of United States Studies.
The most important honors she has received are the following: she was a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the United States; she has been recognized as an associate researcher at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Michigan State University; and, in addition, she spent a research stay at Georgetown University. The UNAM has given her the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Award for her career as a woman member of the university. She is currently a member of the Executive Board and treasurer of the United States-Mexico Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange (Comexus); a member of the Executive Council of the Metropolis International Network, and of the Advisory Board of the Mexico Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the United States.
Professor Núñez teaches in the International Relations Division of the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences. Her vast academic oeuvre includes 11 books that she has co-authored, edited, or compiled, and more than 40 articles or book chapters in Mexican and foreign publications. Particularly noteworthy among the books are México en el pensamiento económico, político y social de los Estados Unidos (Mexico in the Economic, Political, and Social Thinking of the United States) with Adolfo Aguilar Zínser; and Critical Issues in the New U.S-Mexico Relations: Stumbling Blocks or Constructive Paths, published by CISAN/UNAM and Michigan State University. Outstanding among the chapters and/or articles are “Cultura Política” (Political Culture) in the work ¿Qué es Estados Unidos? (What Is the United States?) (Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008), “Estados Unidos (El ‘noble salvaje’ en el entramado legal y el imaginario político estadounidense)” (The United States [The ‘Noble Savage’ in the Legal Structural Framework and the U.S. Political Imaginary]) in the book Los amerindios en la narrativa occidental (The Amerinds in the Western Narrative) (Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 2010); and “Current Challenges of the U.S.-Mexico Relations,” Journal of Latin American Studies, Institute of Latin American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (ILAS/CASS), 2011 [published in Chinese].
Oliver Santín Peña
Professor Santín received his doctorate in political and social sciences (2008), his master’s in international relations (2002), and his bachelor’s in Latin American studies (1997) from the UNAM. He spent a post-doctoral stay with support from Conacyt at the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Honorable Autonomous University of Puebla (2009-2010). He has been a member of the National System of Researchers since 2014.
In 2011, he entered the CISAN as a researcher, developing the project “Succession and Balance of Power in Canada (1980-2010). Analysis and Perspectives of the Party System after Three Decades of Liberal and Conservative Governments.” His lines of research are the Canadian political system the internal processes of political parties, and the federal elections in Canada. He also specializes in Canada’s relations with The United States, Mexico and the rest of Latin America.
He has been a professor at the UNAM School of Philosophy and Letters College of Latin American Studies (CELA) (2004-2007); and in the international relations major at the Monterrey Technological Institute of Higher Learning (ITESM), State of Mexico campus (2004-2007) and Puebla campus (2010-2011). He also taught in the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Honorable Autonomous University of Puebla (2010). Since 2011, he has given courses on research methodology and U.S. history at the UNAM School of Philosophy and Letters.
Professor Santín has authored the book Sucesión y balance de poder en Canadá entre gobiernos liberales y conservadores: antecedentes y procesos partidistas internos (1980-2011) (Succession and Balance of Power in Canada between Liberal and Conservative Governments: Background and Internal Party Politics [1980-2011]) (Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 2014).
He has published articles in magazines published domestically and abroad dealing with the internal life of Canada’s Liberal and Conservative Parties, as well as its federal elections over the last three decades and contemporary Canadian relations with different Latin American countries.
Outstanding among his most recent publications are:
“La política exterior canadiense bajo el gobierno conservador de Stephen Harper: entre la convicción y la polémica” (Canadian Foreign Policy under Stephen Harper’s Conservative Government: Amidst Conviction and Polemics), Norteamérica, Revista Académica del CISAN-UNAM, year 10, no. 1, July-December 2015, ISSN: 1870-3550,
“Las políticas públicas canadienses en materia de inmigración y refugio bajo el gobierno conservador de Stephen Harper. ¿Mayores restricciones, o mejores y modernas regulaciones?” (Canadian Immigration and Refugee Policies under Stephen Harper’s Conservative Government. More Restrictions or Better, Modern Regulations?) Journal of the International Association of Inter-American Studies vol. 8, no. 1 (June 2015), Forum for Inter-American Research (FIAR).Transcultural Mobility,
“La política conservadora del primer ministro canadiense Stephen Harper hacia América Latina” (primera parte) (The Conservative Politics of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper toward Latin America (Part 1), Revista Trabajadores, Universidad Obrera de México, year 19, no. 106 (January-February 2015), ISSN 1665-2630. Co-authored with Dr. John Kirk, of Dalhoisue University, Nova Scotia, Canada,
“La política conservadora del primer ministro canadiense Stephen Harper hacia América Latina” (segunda parte)” (The Conservative Politics of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper toward Latin America (Part 2), Revista Trabajadores, Universidad Obrera de México, year 19, no. 107, March-April 2015, ISSN 1665-2630. Co-authored with Dr. John Kirk, of Dalhoisue University, Nova Scotia, Canada,
“Obama’s Canada Doctrine and the Campaign against Terrorism,” in Hanna S. Kassab and Jonathan Rosen, eds., The Obama Doctrine in the Americas, Security in the Americas in the Twenty-First Century (Lanham Maryland: Lexington Books, 2015). Co-authored with Dr. Athanasius Hristoulas of the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), ISBN-10: 1498523994, ISBN-13: 978-1498523998.
“La conformación de la Cámara de los Comunes y los gobiernos de Canadá en cinco procesos electorales federales (2000-2011)” (Make-up of the Canadian House of Commons and Government in Five Federal Elections [2000-2011]), part 1, Revista Norteamérica, Year 7 no. 2 (2012)
“La conformación de la Cámara de los Comunes y los gobiernos de Canadá en cinco procesos electorales federales (2000-2011)” (Make-up of the Canadian House of Commons and Government in Five Federal Elections [2000-2011]), part 2, Year 8 no. 1 (2013)
“Canadá, Estados Unidos, América Latina y los desafíos para hacer cumplir la declaración sobre seguridad en las Américas” (Canada, the United States, Latin America, and the Challenges to Enforcing the Declaration on Security in the Americas), in Canadá, seguridad nacional, cambio económico e identidades. Una mirada desde América Latina (Canada, National Security, Economic Change, and Identities. A View from Latin America) (Colombia: Universidad del Rosario and Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2013).
“Retorno al poder y consolidación del Partido Conservador en Canadá (2006-2013): Antecedentes y características” (Return to Power and Consolidation of the Conservative Party in Canada (2006-2013): Background and Characteristics), Revista Ad Universa, Year 4, vol. 1 (2013-2014).
Globality Studies
Camelia Nicoleta Tigau
Camelia Tigau was born in Romania. She studied journalism at the University of Bucharest and at the Schools of Journalism in Utrecht (Holland) and Aarhus (Denmark). She holds an MA in Communication and a PhD in Social and Political Sciences by National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
She is currently an associate fellow and coordinator of the Area of Integration Studies at the Center for Research on North America from the same university.
She also serves as regional vice-President of the Global Research Forum on Diasporas and Transnationalism (India) and member of the expert committee of Migration News.
She was a visiting researcher at The Baker Institute for Public Policy (Rice University, Houston) and at the University of York (Toronto).
She is a member of the National Research System, level 2.
Her work includes five books and various peer-reviewed articles on skilled migration and scientific diplomacy.
Senior researcher of the Area of Integration Studies, CISAN, UNAM. Coordinator of the Area of Integration Studies.
- International migration
- Skilled diasporas
- Diaspora communication
- Diplomacy and international communication
Peer-Reviewed Books:
2020. Discriminación y privilegios de la migración calificada: el caso de los profesionistas mexicanos en Texas (Discrimination and privileges of skilled migration: the case of Mexican professionals in Texas).
2013. Riesgos de la fuga de cerebros en México: construcción mediática, posturas gubernamentales y expectativas de los migrantes (Risks of brain drain in Mexico: media construction, governmental positions and migrants ´expectations). CISAN – UNAM. ISBN 978-607-02-4777-4
2010. ¿Fuga de cerebros o nomadismo científico? (Brain drain or scientific nomadism?) México: UNAM/ CISAN. ISBN 978-607-02-1742-5
2009. Diplomacia en la era digital. La ayuda alimenticia como maniobra neoliberal (Diplomacy in the digital age. Food aid as a neoliberal maneuver) México: UNAM/ CISAN and Cenzontle (2009). ISBN 978-970-9929-19-5
Edited books:
2021. Canadá y sus paradojas en el Siglo XXI: Artes, ciencia, política, medios y comunicación (in print). Edited by Graciela Martínez – Zalce and Camelia Tigau, UNAM/CISAN. ISBN 978-607-30-5445-4
2017. Canadá Hoy. Política, Sociedad y Cultura (Canada Today. Politics, Society and Culture). Edited by Gutiérrez, Elizabeth; Oliver Santín and Camelia Tigau. UNAM/CISAN. ISBN 978-607-02-9849-3
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
2020. “The Scientific Diplomacy Of Medical Diasporas: A Case Study Of Foreign Medical Doctors In Texas”, Migration and Diaspora: An Interdisciplinary Journal, ISSN: 25819437, vol. 2.
2019. “Conflict - Induced Displacement of Skilled Refugees: A Cross-Case Analysis of Syrian Professionals in Selected OECD Countries”, Norteamérica 14.1, January – June 2019, pp.341-368, DOI:
2017. ¨Skilled Mexican Migrants In Texas: What The Numbers Hide¨, Research Paper, Baker Institute Mexico Center, july 2017,
2017. ¨Skilled Immigration and the Conditions of Labour Competition in the US: A Comparative Study of the Indian, the Mexican and the Chinese Diasporas¨. With Amba Pande and Yan Yuan Migration and Development, 6.3, ISSN 2163-2324, e-ISSN on line 2163-2332,
2017. ¨Diaspora Policies and Co-development: A Comparison between India, China and Mexico". Migration Letters, 14.2: 181 – 195 (2017). With Amba Pande and Yan Yuan. ISSN: 1741-8984 e-ISSN: 1741-8992.
2015. "Education Premiums and Skilled Migration in Mexico: Lessons for an Educational Policy." Education Policy Analysis Archives 23.104 (2015). With Bernardo Bolaños Guerra,
2013. ¨Policies for High-Skilled vs. Low-Skilled Migration in North America¨, Open Journal of Political Science, vol. 3, no. 4, 2013, p. 158 - 166. Scientific Research Publishing, California,
2012. “Circulation of the Highly Qualified Workforce in Latin America: A Focus on the Mexican Diaspora”. Latin American Essays, Vol. 25, 2012. Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies pp.38-52
2009. ¨GMO Public Diplomacy for Biosafety in Mexico. Applications of a hierarchical model of communication¨. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Palgrave McMillan, february 2009, 5.1 pp. 38-53, with Edit Antal, Translated in Mexico as ¨Diplomacia Pública de los Organismos Genéticamente Modificados y la bioseguridad en México. Aplicación de un modelo jerárquico de comunicación¨. UAM: Sociedades Rurales, Producción y Medio Ambiente, vol. 9, no. 17, 2009
2008. ¨Track 2 Innovation Agents in North America: the View from Mexico¨. Revista Norteamérica, 3: 2, 2008, pp. 43-66- México: CISAN,
Coordination of thematic issues in scientific journals:
Guest editor of the Dossier ¨Skilled diasporas and elites in North America¨, Norteamérica, 2019-I, 1.14, pp. 153-390, ISSN 24487228
Guest editor of the Thematic issue ¨Biopolítica de la Reforma Migratoria en EU¨ (Biopolitics of the Migration Reform in the US), Carta Económica Regional, Universidad de Guadalajara, ISSN 0187-7674, 26.114, july - december 2014.
José Luis Valdés Ugalde
Professor Valdés-Ugalde was director of the CISAN UNAM from 2001 to 2009. He is currently a tenured full-time researcher, category “B” and has PRIDE D. He occupied the Óscar Uribe Villegas Chair at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), Xochimilco campus, from August 2001 to September 2012, and teaches international relations and political science at the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences. He is an internationalist and an expert in political science.
He did his master’s in political sociology and his doctorate in international relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). His specialties are sociological theory, theory of international relations, political theory, U.S. history and foreign policy, as well as North American studies.
His current research projects are “The United States and Democracy in Latin America. Political, Economic, and Social Transition: Governance and Security” and “From ‘Americanism’ as a Hegemonic Ideology to Intelligent Power as an (Inevitable) Strategy for the New Century. Globalization, Decline and Recovery in the U.S.: Toward a New Foreign Policy? Regional Repercussions. A Journey Compared.” He has been a visiting researcher and professor in Europe, The United States and Mexico, outstanding among which are his stays at LSE (August 1997-July 1998); at the CIDE’s DEI (August 2009-August 2010); at the Berlin Free University’s Lateinamerika-Institut (July 2010); and at the UAM-Xochimilco (2011-2012), covering topics in U.S. foreign policy for Mexico and Latin America, international governance, globalization and integration in Latin America, inter-American relations, hemispheric security, and Mexico’s national security. He is currently spending two sabbatical years (2013-2015) at the Lateinamerika-Institut, of the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin, Germany to carry out his latest research project.
He is a regular member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and a Level-II member of the National System of Researchers, as well as the Mexican Council for International Affairs (Comexi), the International Studies Association (ISA), the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), the International Political Science Association (IPSA), Metropolis North America (Canada), and the Mexican Association for International Studies (AMEI). The Mexican government appointed him as a member of the Executive Board of the United States-Mexico Commission for Cultural and Educational Exchange (Comexus), a post he occupied from 2007 to 2010. He is a member of the Ministry of the Economy’s Advisory Council for International Trade Negotiations and of the North American Center for Transborder Studies (NACTS) Board of Advisors. He is also a member of the editorial boards of the following publications: Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, Latin American Politics and Policy Journal, Foreign Policy Edición Mexicana, Voices of Mexico, and Norteamérica, Revista Académica.
Professor Valdés-Ugalde has had more than 25 years’ experience in research and international studies as well as North American studies. He has published 10 books as author, co-author, and editor; 30 book chapters, and more than 60 articles in specialized journals like Norteamérica. Revista Académica, Voices of Mexico, Foreign Policy (Mexican edition), Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, Nexos, Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior and Canada Watch. The following titles are among the most outstanding: Estados Unidos: Intervención y poder mesiánico. La guerra fría en Guatemala, 1954 (The United States: Intervention and Messianic Power. The Cold War in Guatemala, 1954); By Other Means, For Other Ends: Bush’s Re-election Reassessed; Globalidad y Conflicto: EU y la crisis de septiembre (Globality and Conflict: the U.S. and the September Crisis); Foreign Policy and Governance in Mexico. A Conceptual and Operational Dilemma; Is Obama Black?; Mexico, Obama and the Uncertain Future for a Trilateral Agreement on Security; Mexico’s Polity and Economy: Security vs. Progress and Our Failed Integration; US-Latin American Relations: An Alternative Geopolitical Approach?; El gobierno de Barack Obama y la nueva configuración de la Agenda de Seguridad Internacional (The Barack Obama Administration and the New Configuration of the International Security Agenda); La seguridad nacional de México ante la agenda de seguridad internacional post 11 de septiembre (Mexico’s National Security and the Post-9/11 International Security Agenda); Saving the Homeland: Obama’s New Smart Power Security Strategy.
He is the founder of the CISAN’s Norteamèrica. Revista Académica and was its president from 2006 to 2009. He was the director of the magazine Voices of Mexico from August 2001 to August 2009. He served as president of the Executive Committee of Metropolis Norteamérica from June 2008 to August 2009, which was part of the Metropolis International, Canada network. In addition, Mexico’s Senate appointed him coordinator of the NAFTA evaluation (1999-2000). He was assistant counselor of the Risk Agenda for the former Presidential National Security Advisor’s Office (2001). He is an on-going political commentator for the radio program “Focus” on NRM and for CNN, and a contributor to the Mexico City daily newspaper Excélsior.
Strategic Studies
Ma. del Rosío Vargas Suárez
Professor Vargas received her doctorate in 2003 from the UNAM Energy Engineering Graduate Program.
She was a fulltime researcher at the Colegio de México Energy Program from 1984 to 1988. From 1989 until today, she has been a fulltime researcher at CISAN. She is a member of the National System of Researchers.
At CISAN, she was the coordinator of the Mexico-United States Area from 1997 to 2000, and later of the Globality Studies Area (2001 to 2009). She is a professor in the International Relations Graduate Program of the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences and at the School of Higher Learning (FES), Aragón campus. In 2012, she was invited to give a seminar in the doctoral program in energy and development at the San Simon Higher University in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
She has to her credit more than 100 publications, including books, book chapters, and articles of different kinds dealing with her main research topic, the U.S. energy sector and its implications for Mexico. Her most recent book is El papel de México en la integración y la seguridad energética de Norteamérica (Mexico’s Role in North American Integration and Energy Security) (Mexico City: cisan/unam, 2014). Among the recent book chapters and articles she has authored are the following: “El contexto geopolítico y la iniciativa de Reforma Energética (re) del PRIAN” (The Geopolitical Context and the Energy Reform Initiative), in Jaime Cárdenas Gracia, comp. Reforma Energética. Análisis y Consecuencias (Energy Reform. Analysis and Consequences) (Mexico City: Tirant lo Blanch, 2015); ”Geopolítica del shale gas y el tight oil en Norteamérica” (The Geopolitics of Shale Gas and Tight Oil in North America), in Arturo Oropeza, comp., Reforma Energética y Desarrollo Industrial. Un compromiso Inaplazable (Energy Reform and Industrial Development. A Commitment that Cannot Be Postponed) (Mexico City: Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas/unam, and Instituto para el Desarrollo Industrial y el Crecimiento Económico, 2015); “Reforma energética. De servicio Público a Modelo de Negocios” (Energy Reform. From Public Service to Business Model), Política y Cultura no. 43, Spring 2015; “La integración de América del Norte: contratos petroleros” (The Integration of North America: Oil Contracts), Petroquimex, year 12, no. 76, July-August 2015; “El precio del petróleo y las consecuencias para México” (The Price of Oil and the Consequences for Mexico), Petroquimex, year 12, no. 75, May-June 2015; “El shale gas, un proyecto geopolítico de cobertura mundial” (Shale Gas, a Geopolitical Project for World Coverage), Petroquimex , year 12, no. 78, November-December 2015; “La Reforma Energética: a 20 años del tlcan” (The Energy Reform, 20 Years after nafta), Problemas del Desarrollo, vol. 46, no. 180, January-March 2015.
Professor Vargas has participated in more than 20 international conferences held in the United States; Berlin; Santiago de Chile; São Paulo, Brazil; Ho Chi Minh City; and Mexico City. Her most recent keynote speech was part of the seminar “ El caleidoscopio de la Reforma en Materia de Hidrocarburos: retos y perspectivas” (The Kaleidoscope of the Reform in Hydrocarbons: Challenges and Perspectives), organized by the unam Institute for Legal Research, the University of Tamaulipas, and the unam Center for Social Research, held June 16 and 17, 2015.
In Mexico, she has participated as a presenter or keynote speaker at 126 events, including seminars and round table discussions.
Among the prizes and honors she has received is first place for a research stay at Harvard University, awarded by the Center for International and Foreign Affairs and the Fundación México at Harvard (1991); she was invited to be part of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council’s International Advisors Group (1997); she was selected together with a group of nine other Mexicans by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico and the U.S. State Department to participate in the Partners in Trade Working Group. Progress through Understanding (1992); and she was part of a group of advisors to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, of Montreal, Canada (2001).
She has spent several research stays at the California State University at Los Angeles, awarded her by the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce under the Good Neighbor Internship Program in 1999. From October 2010 to September 2011, she spent another research stay at the São Paulo, Brazil University Center for Energy and Electro-technology.
Global Studies
Mónica Verea Campos
Professor Verea, an internationalist sociologist, was the founding director of the CISAN (1989-1997). Currently, she is a researcher in the Integration Studies Area, specializing in migration policies in North America. She received her master’s in international relations from the UNAM.
She has been the academic coordinator of the CISAN diploma course “Mexico, the United States and Canada: An International and Regional Dimension” since its creation in 2002. She teaches in the Master’s in Mexico-United States Studies program at the School of Higher Learning (FES), Acatlán campus, and was that program’s founding coordinator (1982-1988).
She has compiled and edited many books. The most recent are Impacts of the Recent Economic Crisis (2008-2009) on International Migration,(México: cisan-unam, 2014); “Managing International Immigration during Turbulent Times”, Migration Studies, Special issue, Oxford University (2014);Anti-Immigrant Sentiments, Actions and Policies. The North American Region and the European Union (Mexico City: CISAN, 2012), and Nuevas experiencias de la migración de retorno (New Experiences in Return Migration) (Mexico City: Metropolis-CISAN, at press).She has also authored many articles and book chapters, mainly on migratory policies in North America and Mexico-U.S. relations. Her most recent essays include “Immigration trends after 20 years of nafta” 2015,“EI debate hacia una reforma migratoria en Estados Unidos durante los primeros años del siglo xxi” (The Immigration Reform Debate in the First Years of the Twenty-first Century), 2014; “El congreso estadounidense y Obama: propuestas, posiciones y acciones ante el fracaso de una reforma migratoria íntegra” (The U.S. Congress and Obama: Proposals, Positions, and Actions in the Face of the Failure of Comprehensive Immigration Reform), 2014, Legal and Unauthorized Mexican Migration Flows to the US (at press).
She was the general director of the UNAM Office for Inter-Institutional Collaboration from 2002 to 2004, and is currently a member of various collegiate bodies, academic hiring advisory committees, and national and foreign editorial boards. She is the vice-president of the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (Comexi).
She was awarded the Juana Ramírez de Asbaje Prize by the UNAM the very first year it was given, in 2005.
Integration Studies
Roberto Zepeda Martínez
Roberto Zepeda has a doctorate in political and social sciences with a specialization in international relations, a master’s in North American Studies, and a bachelor’s in communications sciences. He is currently a fulltime researcher at CISAN. He has published and edited books in publishing houses in Mexico, the United States, and the United Kingdom, as well as articles in national and international academic journals.
He has been an associate professor at the University of Sheffield Department of Politics as well as its Department of Hispanic Studies. He has also given classes in international relations at different universities in Mexico.
He did a post-doctoral stay at the UNAM Institute of Social Research.
His lines of research focus on the study of sub-national government relations in North America, with an interdisciplinary approach.
He is a member of the Mexican Association of International Studies (AMEI), the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), and the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS). He has also belonged to the National System of Researchers (SNI), Level 1, since January 2014.
Integration Studies